29 December 2010

*UPDATE* Does Crime Exist in Switzerland? Ja.

A few months ago I wrote a post about crime in Switzerland http://kiki-in-switzerland.blogspot.com/search/label/Crime.  Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.  With a population of over 7 million people, there were only 51 murders in 2009.  That says a lot!  Believe me when I say that I feel TRULY safe in Switzerland.  But of course, being from NJ via Chicago via Atlanta via NJ, I still keep my guard up.  Well, in that post I mentioned that a referendum was scheduled for November which invited Swiss citizens to vote about the immediate deportation of foreigners who comment serious crimes. 

Well here's the UPDATE:
  • 53% of voters approved the initiative which calls for the immediate deportation of non-Swiss offenders after serving their jail time without appeal. 
  • This includes those who may have been born and raised in Switzerland, but never obtained citizenship.  Unlike the US, people are not granted citizenship just because they are born within Swiss borders.
  • Crimes may range from murder to breaking and entry and social security fraud.
  • One in five Swiss residents doesn't have Swiss citizenship.
  • In 2009, 52 % of crimes were committed by Swiss citizens, 29 per cent were by foreign residents, 4.4 per cent by asylum seekers and 15% by illegal residents.

Stories of deportation: two cases of foreigners who grew up in Switzerland

So it has passed.  And believe me the Swiss are serious.  NO APPEAL!  Although, Switzerland is not a part of the EU, the EU and human rights lawyers are pissed. 

We'll see what happens.


read more:


Unknown said...

There is a lot going on over there. I like the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for posting this. I'm going to use it in one of my classes.

Chic Noir said...

To be honest, I can't be mad at the Swiss, it's there country and they get to make the rules.

Walking down the street at night without looking over your shoulder is priceless esp for a woman.